What is more painful than a break-up, more exhausting than a marathon, more soul crushing than a calamity, a LOSS. Losing is just unacceptable. No matter how hard you tried, how well you played, how close the margin of victory was, the team which lost is never remembered. Its the champions who rule every heart. And unfortunately I have not ruled any heart lately. It has been disappointing, sickening and mentally draining. Its more frustrating than its sad because there's no limit to the effort being put in, no boundaries to the commitment being shown, its just that last hurdle which has become the tallest barrier. Confidence is at its lowest and it should be. Only something drastic can help now. But even drastic seems like a distant dream in the current scenario. Hopeless state of affairs, hopeless luck, hopeless me. :(
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Eternal Love
Love is a tricky word. You hear this word and various images come flashing right in front of you. The image of that broken heart, those sour eyes, that unending river of tears or the image of those blushing cheeks, that mystical smile, the heavenly voice or maybe the image of that hot girl dancing to the tunes of 'damn, she's a sexy bitch'. Tricky, as i just said. But one thing is for certain : love, whatever it may do to you, is the most desired, the most cherished, the most wished entity (MBA :( ) in this world. A point to note here. I am talking of love and not making love. Dirty minds, eh???
I have always wondered if I would have been the same had I not met my love 4 years back. I don't think I would have. In these wonderful 4 years, she has been the constant in my life. Life took turns for good or bad, but every time something happened she was there alongside me to support me in times of despair, calm me in times of frustration, celebrate with me in times of success and of course laugh with me throughout. (No bragging, I have a pretty bad-ass sense of humor.) She is the best thing to happen to me. But all good things come with a trade off. There are days when coz of her everything becomes dismal. I don't feel like going out, talking or doing anything productive. But I ignore these days, in fact I am forced to ignore them due to the fact that they are fully compensated by those amazing times I spend with her.

I just hope and pray that she stays with me for eternity and beyond. My love, my life, my world, my everything, my Blender's Pride. <3 <3 <3
Friday, July 20, 2012
Mind Fuck
The second hand lost its speed, the fan was in a super slow motion, the door creaked ever so slightly, the time had stopped flowing it seemed. Seldom, such days come in a life when everything feels so dismal, so grim, so repelling. The heart loses its beat, the eyes lose their sparkle, the lips lose their smile and the mind goes numb. Life turns into the glacier which moves constantly but looks immovable. 'Sit and stare at the empty wall' is all there is left to do. The melancholia eats up the entire room like a demon and the helpless, powerless you just watches in great awe. Hallucinations and delusions become your best friends as you watch reality die a cold death. You feel thirsty, you feel hungry, you feel like crying, you feel senseless, you feel tired, you feel sleepy, you feel nothing. Red turns blue turns green turns violet turns brown turns red. The ceiling wants to gulp you up, the floor wants to suck you in and the walls move in, threatening to smash you to pieces. Darkness all around.
machow, koi nimboo paani pilao jaldi....
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sherlock Holmes and the case of uber reasoning
So I have recently unraveled the biggest mystery of all. Thanks to a certain Mr Sherlock Holmes for being the guiding light throughout. Before I disclose the findings of my investigation, a small note of appreciation for the best detective ever. Sherlock Holmes was always known to me through Sir Arthur Doyle's books which I read at a very young age. But honestly, I had forgotten all about him over time. Then Sherlock (TV series) happened. There is no way in this world that may prevent you, me or anybody from falling in love with the series, especially Mr Holmes. I marveled at the rate at which his brain works, so observant, so smooth, so annoying, yet so suave. Needless to say, I am the new die hard follower and fan of this amazing genius.
Coming back to my investigation now. I always believed that things happened around us for a reason, a reason which hides itself in the present but gradually reveals itself. But what I have concluded from my 2 month long work is that life is a big co-incidence. Our mind makes us believe that there is a certain relationship between events, our heart tells us its destiny. But actually none of this is true. Let me share with you some instances that will substantiate my opinion.
i) The case of eternal love:
Ever seen a couple embraced in each other's arms, totally in love, unfazed by their surroundings. We all have. Ask them and they will tell you that they are soul mates, that the way they came together was like a fairy tale, that they are made for each other for eternity. Bullshit!! Its a simple consequence of a girl saying YES. (The reason I dint write 'boy' in the previous sentence is that a girl seldom goes crazy about a guy and asks him out). Most of the times the hottie (that a guy is crazy about) will never say a YES, probably because, being a hottie, she got committed at a very tender age of 16. So the theory of love tells the guy to go a notch down. The next best girl. This process goes on until there is a YES. And because the guy made so many efforts to get that elusive YES, the girl becomes the soul mate, the ONE.
ii) The case of the God gifted child:
Just the mention of the three words, God gifted child, makes us utter the names of people around us we have related with the attribute. A boy consistently gets good marks in examination, god gifted brain. A girl amazes the world with her singing, god gifted voice. A player displays amazing football skills, god gifted feet. When the God is so gracious, why the hell do we have people like Tushar Kapoor, Kapil Sibbal, Sreesanth. The explanation is very simple. There are no gifts being distributed. Just a mere co incidence that a boy was born in a family which has intelligent parents and turned out to be a genius. The same goes for a brilliant artist or a mesmerizing sports person.
We need to learn to stop applying logic in every bit of our life, stop being an engineer for sometime, just let the events be. Our brain would thank us, our heart will smile and the body will relish the much needed time out.
Just remember the line, "No reasons can explain why the world is so envious (read: jealous) of Aashish Nag".
Coming back to my investigation now. I always believed that things happened around us for a reason, a reason which hides itself in the present but gradually reveals itself. But what I have concluded from my 2 month long work is that life is a big co-incidence. Our mind makes us believe that there is a certain relationship between events, our heart tells us its destiny. But actually none of this is true. Let me share with you some instances that will substantiate my opinion.
i) The case of eternal love:
Ever seen a couple embraced in each other's arms, totally in love, unfazed by their surroundings. We all have. Ask them and they will tell you that they are soul mates, that the way they came together was like a fairy tale, that they are made for each other for eternity. Bullshit!! Its a simple consequence of a girl saying YES. (The reason I dint write 'boy' in the previous sentence is that a girl seldom goes crazy about a guy and asks him out). Most of the times the hottie (that a guy is crazy about) will never say a YES, probably because, being a hottie, she got committed at a very tender age of 16. So the theory of love tells the guy to go a notch down. The next best girl. This process goes on until there is a YES. And because the guy made so many efforts to get that elusive YES, the girl becomes the soul mate, the ONE.
ii) The case of the God gifted child:
Just the mention of the three words, God gifted child, makes us utter the names of people around us we have related with the attribute. A boy consistently gets good marks in examination, god gifted brain. A girl amazes the world with her singing, god gifted voice. A player displays amazing football skills, god gifted feet. When the God is so gracious, why the hell do we have people like Tushar Kapoor, Kapil Sibbal, Sreesanth. The explanation is very simple. There are no gifts being distributed. Just a mere co incidence that a boy was born in a family which has intelligent parents and turned out to be a genius. The same goes for a brilliant artist or a mesmerizing sports person.
We need to learn to stop applying logic in every bit of our life, stop being an engineer for sometime, just let the events be. Our brain would thank us, our heart will smile and the body will relish the much needed time out.
Just remember the line, "No reasons can explain why the world is so envious (read: jealous) of Aashish Nag".
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