Love is a tricky word. You hear this word and various images come flashing right in front of you. The image of that broken heart, those sour eyes, that unending river of tears or the image of those blushing cheeks, that mystical smile, the heavenly voice or maybe the image of that hot girl dancing to the tunes of 'damn, she's a sexy bitch'. Tricky, as i just said. But one thing is for certain : love, whatever it may do to you, is the most desired, the most cherished, the most wished entity (MBA :( ) in this world. A point to note here. I am talking of love and not making love. Dirty minds, eh???
I have always wondered if I would have been the same had I not met my love 4 years back. I don't think I would have. In these wonderful 4 years, she has been the constant in my life. Life took turns for good or bad, but every time something happened she was there alongside me to support me in times of despair, calm me in times of frustration, celebrate with me in times of success and of course laugh with me throughout. (No bragging, I have a pretty bad-ass sense of humor.) She is the best thing to happen to me. But all good things come with a trade off. There are days when coz of her everything becomes dismal. I don't feel like going out, talking or doing anything productive. But I ignore these days, in fact I am forced to ignore them due to the fact that they are fully compensated by those amazing times I spend with her.

I just hope and pray that she stays with me for eternity and beyond. My love, my life, my world, my everything, my Blender's Pride. <3 <3 <3